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Old 08-18-2001, 12:58 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Portugal - Sª Mª Feira
Distribution: Red Hat 7.1
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: 0
Configuration problem

Hello everyone. I know my way very well around Windows 98 and I recently installed Red Hat 7.1 as a second O.S. in my computer in a seperate partition. I beleave it is time to loose my addiction on B. Gates products. No problems there, everything went well. However I realy need help on this subject - I have read HowTo´s, searched the net, gone to the public library at my home town,etc, etc... and nothing .

I have a Pinnacle PCTV card that works well in Windows 98, but I would like to make it work in Linux as well.

I instaled xawtv and when I try to "activate" it system says:
v4l: open/dev/video0: no such device
no video grabber device available

However in ( KDE )Controle Center\Information\PCI there is this info:
-Multimedia video controler: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 ( rev 17 )

Linux knows something is there but doesn´t know what it is for? How can I "configure" my Tv Card?
How do I get Linux to recognize it and let me work with it?

I searched this forum and found 2 more help requests on this subject but no answers to our problem. I tried the newbie forum firs but seems like no one these knows the answer. I realy have tried to get awnsers in HowTo´s and Tv grabber instructions programs for Linux like xawtv, bttv, kwintv and zapping.
Yes I must be a Linux DUMMY but still I would realy love to get some help on this subject.

Thank for your attention

Old 08-18-2001, 10:54 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2001
Posts: 24,149

Rep: Reputation: 270Reputation: 270Reputation: 270 Cross Reference.
Please you don't need to post the same question twice in the same forum to get anyone's attention.

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