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Old 09-18-2014, 03:16 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2014
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Compare two CSV files

Hi, I have to compare two .csv files and get the output in other file in the given format.

First column in provided files would be unique.

If a new line is added I want A followed by "," and then followed by entire new row. If a line is modified I want C followed by "," and then followed by entire modified row. If a line is deleted I want D followed by "," and then followed by entire deleted row.

File 1

aa, bb, cc, dd, ee
bb, ww, ee, tt, yy
cc, vv, vv, vv, vv

File 2
bb, ww, ee, tt, y1
cc, vv, vv, vv, vv
nn, bb, nn, cc, bb

So output be like

D, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee
C, bb, ww, ee, tt, y1
A, nn, bb, nn, cc, bb

Last edited by apoorvajoshi; 09-18-2014 at 03:18 AM.
Old 09-18-2014, 03:26 AM   #2
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So, what did you come up with ?.
Why didn't it work ?.
Old 09-18-2014, 03:31 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2014
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Actually, I was diff command but it gives very raw data. I thought it would be really helpful to update the data in DB when the output will be in this format.

I got this over internet

diff -W999 --side-by-side OLD NEW |
sed '/^[^\t]*\t\s*|\t\(.*\)/{s//\1 U/;b};/^\([^\t]*\)\t*\s*<$/{s//\1 D/;b};/^.*>\t\(.*\)/{s//\1 N/;b};d'

But it is not working fine for me.

---------- Post added 09-18-14 at 01:02 PM ----------

Actually, I was diff command but it gives very raw data. I thought it would be really helpful to update the data in DB when the output will be in this format.

I got this over internet

diff -W999 --side-by-side OLD NEW |
sed '/^[^\t]*\t\s*|\t\(.*\)/{s//\1 U/;b};/^\([^\t]*\)\t*\s*<$/{s//\1 D/;b};/^.*>\t\(.*\)/{s//\1 N/;b};d'

But it is not working fine for me.


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