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Old 11-18-2003, 04:36 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 33

Rep: Reputation: 15
changing the desktop resolution

I use the SuSe linux distro and i use KDE for my desktop but my fonts are small and it has the yast2 in it and i want to change my res from 1024 795 to 800 600 how is this done in this Linux distro?
Old 11-18-2003, 05:00 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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" how is this done in this Linux distro?"

To change the resolution, log in as root and run sax2.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 11-18-2003, 05:08 PM   #3
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Im new on linux from windows and i log on but what when im at the logon screen there is one user, me and shen i put root in for user i have to have a password and don't have one or didn't get a password and if i can get past the login as root how do you run sax2? like i said this is foreghn to me.
Old 11-18-2003, 05:50 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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" i have to have a password and don't have one"

You need your root password. You had to create one when you installed SuSE. If you forgot the root password then you will have to install SuSE again.

"if i can get past the login as root how do you run sax2?"

sax2 is started from the command line. Login as root and then open a konsole. Then type in sax2 at the prompt.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 11-18-2003, 06:59 PM   #5
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I created a username and password in the beginning of the install and if didn't give a rights list or give me a choice to set the account as admin or root but i have no problem getting to the desktop and doing things in linux like surf the web and play games and do work in the office suite and i went to the command line i KDE and typed in sax2 and hit ok and it didn't do amything
Old 11-18-2003, 07:29 PM   #6
LQ Guru
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" i went to the command line i KDE and typed in sax2 and hit ok and it didn't do amything"

A user cannot run sax2, only root can run sax2. There are many thing in Linux that only root is allowed to do.

" if didn't give a rights list or give me a choice to set the account as admin or root "

The SuSE installer always creates a root account and you have no choice about it. The only choice the SuSE installer gives you is to pick a password for root. SuSE asks you for the root password twice and the two paswords have to match.

"I created a username and password in the beginning of the install"
Yes, you can create one or more users in addition to root.

Since you did not realize that you were creating passwords for both root and user did you
use the same password for both? Maybe your user password will also work for root.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 11-18-2003, 07:35 PM   #7
Registered: Nov 2003
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I did add the password twice which is the one i use with my username so when i logon should i use root as username and use my password i use to logon with this is comfusing stuff because ive been on windows for so long and linux is so nice to use i just want to use it like windows.
Old 11-18-2003, 10:17 PM   #8
LQ Guru
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"when i logon should i use root as username and use my password i use to logon"

You should logon as root and use root's password. Since you don't know what root's password is I guessed that maybe you set both user's password and root's password to the same thing. Usually people create different passwords for root and user.

If you cannot figure out what root's password is then you should reinstall SuSE Linux because you cannot maintain Linux without using root.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 11-18-2003, 10:49 PM   #9
Registered: Nov 2003
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i Figurd it out when Leo said something about it in TSS and i can get to the display setting and change my resolution but when i gives the area where i center my screen i have no mouse pointer and when i exit it goes back to the other resolution i can i make these settings stick with the next linux session if i can't use my mouse to finalize the settings?
Old 11-18-2003, 11:04 PM   #10
LQ Guru
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"can i make these settings stick with the next linux session if i can't use my mouse to finalize the settings?"

I am not sure exactly how to solve this problem. You could try some of the things mentioned in the man pages for sax2. Go to the root command line and type in:
man sax2
You get out of the man pages by typing in:

The first thing I would try is:
sax2 -a
which tells sax2 to configure everything without any input from you.

Another thing to try: See if you can navigate around in sax2 using the Tab keys, arrow keys, space bar and Enter.

Another thing: I think that sax2 sets up the mouse before it sets up the screen. Make sure that you have the mouse configured correctly before you move on to the screen.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 11-18-2003, 11:27 PM   #11
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 33

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks for all the help im lost with this OS but im starting to familiarize myself with the GUE's they are very nice indeed.


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