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Old 07-27-2005, 04:08 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: UK
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 86

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy Capturing the input from microphone...


Having trouble getting applications (namely sound recorder and Skype) to get the input from my mic. Infact, I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to see the input.

I can hear myself on my mic back through the headset so I know things are in the right ports, but when I set mic as the recording device and try and record - I just get blanks.

I've tried fiddling around with Recording Monitor open, but it's not registering any input.

Obviously this is very frustrating, so any advice anyone could offer would be great .

Kind regards,
Old 07-28-2005, 03:21 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 2,553

Rep: Reputation: 53
make sure the capture devices are turned up
amixer set Capture 10 cap
amixer set Mic cap

with my sblive card it seems the card devices can be "locked" also and that doesn't come up in even amixer as a parameter

it helps to get a really good mixer for your card not the crap ones that Linux distros come with
my suggestion is qamix
Old 07-28-2005, 03:49 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: London, England
Distribution: Ubuntu
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Rep: Reputation: 48
When I was trying to get mine to work, I had to mute one of the microphone channels, go figure. Check alsamixer and fiddle with the settings!


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