Thanks for the reply. When I originally ran xcdroast as root and asked it to change to non-root mode I think this is what it did. Currently the permissions on the file that cdrecord.prodvd points to (it is a symbolic link) are as follows:
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 372956 Aug 22 23:43 cdrecord-prodvd-2.01b31-i686-pc-linux-gnu
The other exectubles in the bin directory all have permissions 755, except for xcdrwrap which has the same permissions as cdrecord.prodvd. I think this means that the SUID bit is already set, although my understanding of SUID bits is far from complete, so if I'm reading this wrong please let me know. Thanks again for the reply and if anyone has any other thoughts or suggestions I'd appreciate all of them.
Just one other quick note, the specific error I'm getting from the xcdroast error message is that
"cdrecord.prodvd: Cannot allocate memory. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer."