booting win2k and two Linux distros on two hard drives
I have a primary drive (40 gig) and a slave (8 gig). On the primary I have 20 gig dedicated to Win2k. On the rest of the drive I have Red Hat 9.
I am trying to install Fedora on the second drive. I'm just trying to see how you go about partitioning and booting more than one Linux distro on two drives.
I'm using grub as the bootloader and am sharing the swap file. However it seems that whichever Linux distro I install last is the only Linux distro that I can boot into.
Generally, I only use a boot, root and swap file.
My question is how do I dual boot win2k and red hat on one drive and fedora on the other drive so that I can boot into all three without the second linux distro absorbing the other Linux distro?
Any help will be much appreciated.