Booting to wrong Monitor (w/ dual monitor setup)
I have Red Hat 8.0 and recently I installed an extra graphics card to a PCI slot. My old graphics card (S3 Savage4 16 mb) remained in my AGP slot. Since my motherboard BIOS only boots from the AGP slot for a monitor, the computer starts booting from there.
I have an old monitor connected to the AGP card (not the monitor rh was configured with (the monitor red hat was configured with was moved to connect to the new PCI card). Thus the computer boots to the old monitor. Red Hat also boots to the old monitor.
The new graphics card was detected by red hat and installed (hopefully correctly). However Red Hat will not use the new graphics card nor the monitor connected to it. This has led to various configuration problems (both in the screen format and mouse areas). Thus if I can switch red hat to use the new graphics card and the corresponding monitor i think my problems will be fixed. But i am at a lose of how to do this.