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Old 09-22-2004, 10:46 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Ecuador
Distribution: Debian, Ubuntu, Elastix
Posts: 183

Rep: Reputation: 30
Best Linux once installed

I use Mandrake for more than a year now. I have try Redhat and Fedora. I like Mandrake more than Fedora. I have heard great things about debain once it is installed, that it is really easy to mantain. I just installed on my desktop on a partition and I am having problems with X configuration. Anyway I am learning a lot.
The reason I ask this question is because I am thinking on selling installations of Linux to people that have windows and don't have the enough knowlodge to installed it on their computer. I think it is an instreating way to make money. Keep learning Linux and make it easy for the public in general. Then I may go to the companies with networks installs. there is so much I can do in my country to bring Linux.
One last questions, does any body sell the service of installing Linux on other people computers?
Old 09-22-2004, 11:48 AM   #2
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i think for being closest to a desktop product for the mainstream public, redhat has long
been the leader. they are like the microsoft or AOL of the linux world in the sense that they
dumb-down the underlying system, and provide wizards to accomplish standard tasks.

In large part, a dumbed-down system is what the mainstream user needs. most people
don't care about how their system runs, just THAT it runs.

but even the latest FedoraCore releases are a little shaky for mainstream. people have a l
learning curve to tackle to get into linux, and if they don't know what they're doing, they'll
only get mad at how easy it is to break their system.
Old 09-22-2004, 11:48 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
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Debian rocks once installed. It is very easy to upkeep and upgread. I use it as a file server. I as use gentoo it is also easy to upkeep.
Old 09-22-2004, 12:03 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: formerly Fanelia and Zaibach
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Cool Hola

I think that Mandrake would be a good option to sell Linux installations to W@@@s users. Mandrake is a good distro with many interesting features for W@@@$-accustomed users, it has a huge software selection, autoconfiguration, it has multilanguage support, and so on.

About Debian (and its "sons" and "grandsons"), i tried a tiny version of Knoppix that i liked a lot: Kurumin. (it's in Portuguese but you can download some packages for other languages). I use normally Slackware as my principal distro, but i also use Kurumin for certain things (it's excellent as a rescue disk; or if i even want to redistribute my partitions: it comes with parted and a graphical front-end for it that resembles PartitionMagic). Even so, in my opinion, Slackware is a very stable very secure not-so-difficult-as-many-people-thinks distro. And is pretty easy to maintain once is well installed and configured. My mother uses Slack.

The decision is up to you.

About your last question: i know that there many institutions and enterprises that are converting to Linux. (mainly for reducing costs and improving security). There's need for people for making the installations. About the individual users: i personally installed Linux in some friends' machines but there is still a huge amount of people out there that prefer W@@@$ .

Greetings. Now in Spanish:


Creo que Mandrake seria una muy buena opcion para vender instalaciones de Linux a gente acostumbrada a usar W@@@$ . Tiene muchas caracteristicas interesantes: una seleccion de software muy grande, tiene autoconfiguracion, soporte multilenguajes y etcetera.

Acerca de Debian, (y sus derivados), he probado una version pequenha de Knoppix que me gusto mucho: Kurumin (es de Brasil y esta en portugues, aunque puedes bajar unos cuantos paquetes si es que quieres usarlo en otro idioma: aparte de que para alguien que hable espanhol no debe ser muy dificil el portugues). Yo uso normalmente Slackware como mi distro principal, pero tambien uso Kurumin para ciertas tareas (como disco de rescate cada vez que preciso de reparticionar mi disco, viene con un particionador grafico muy bueno que se parece al Partition Magic). Aun asi, en mi opinion Slackware es una distro muy estable y segura, y no es tan dificil como se piensa. Y es muy facil de mantener una vez que esta bien instalada y configurada. Mi mama usa Slackware.

La decision de cual distro usar depende de ti. Espero haber sido de utilidad.

Respecto a tu ultima pregunta: se que hay muchas instituciones y empresas que estan instalando Linux. (principalmente para reducir costos y mejorar la seguridad). Se necesita bastante gente para instalar y configurar todas esas maquinas. (Viva Linux!). Acerca de los usuarios domesticos, he instalado Linux en las PCs de algunos amigos mios, pero el mercado aun viene siendo dominado por W@@@s. ( )

Old 09-22-2004, 01:13 PM   #5
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Ecuador
Distribution: Debian, Ubuntu, Elastix
Posts: 183

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Debian rocks once installed. It is very easy to upkeep and upgread
Does it has a GUI interface for apt-get or it has to be done by command line?
Same question for Gentoo

i think for being closest to a desktop product for the mainstream public, redhat has long
been the leader. they are like the Microsoft or AOL of the linux world in the sense that they
dumb-down the underlying system, and provide wizards to accomplish standard tasks.
You may be right. I personally don't like that much Fedora or Red Hat. Specially for the Red Hat theme, KDE and Gnome are almost the same. But that maybe a good thing for a regular user.
How about Mandrake, it is relative easy to maintain de software of Mandrake with packages on the cds with Mandrake Control Center. But when it cames to install packages with rpm, ic could be a hell because of dependecies. That is why I am courios with Debian and any other distro that would be easy to mantain.

About Debian (and its "sons" and "grandsons"), i tried a tiny version of Knoppix that i liked a lot: Kurumin. (it's in Portuguese but you can download some packages for other languages).
I actually have use knoppix, don't know much of Kusimin. Do yuou installed or do you use it as a live CD. I actually like to give Knoppix to my friends as a gift. A way to show them what is linux about and that it can even help them to save their computer from viruses.

About your last question: i know that there many institutions and enterprises that are converting to Linux. (mainly for reducing costs and improving security). There's need for people for making the installations. About the individual users: i personally installed Linux in some friends' machines but there is still a huge amount of people out there that prefer W@@@$ .
The thing is that viruses are a great problem with people using windows. Also people with old computers can use linux. So I may have slogans like:
Don't be afraid of Internet, use Linux an no virus would infect you.
Don't throw away your old computer just because it does not run XP, use Linux.
There are also some people that like their computer to have a nice look and feel. So maybe they would be interesing in Can your windows look like these?
Don't reboot your machine anymore, we are in the 21 century, use Linux.

There could be a full thread with slogans saying why Linux is better than Windows.

Also Linux is a lot cheaper than Windows. That is true in theory, my main problem here in Ecuador would be iligal software. YOu can buy almost any software in the street for just $2 dollar per cd. It doesn't matter what the software is, it would cost $2 US.

(When I talk about iligal software I mean propertary software you can buy in the streets. Like Macromedia, Microsft, Oracle etc....)

Solo una última pregunta para folkenfanel. De donde eres? Chévere que hables español.

Last edited by el_pajaro!; 09-22-2004 at 05:49 PM.
Old 09-22-2004, 05:35 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: formerly Fanelia and Zaibach
Distribution: Slackware-current !
Posts: 344

Rep: Reputation: 59
Cool hola de nuevo

Hi again.

I'm not a great Debian user, but Kurumin (after all is a descendant of Debian) does have a graphical interface for updates/upgrades. I use it also as a live CD when i need it and i also have it installed in a small partition in my HD. It's very easy to use. But it's sad that its main developer had decided to cut the time he dedicates to the distro (and so, delaying new releases). If you want to try it:

While it's true that Red Hat is one of the distros with more penetration in the Linux market, and it has made an standard with the RPMs, it's also true that the RPM's dependencies management could be somewhat complicated. ( i also mean specifically Mandrake).

Debian .deb packages also manage dependencies. It would be easier (from some points of view) to compile the software (but that means that if we erase the source dir and the .tar.gz, we don't have means to deinstall). Still, so far the .debs that i have tried have behaved ok. (so far..., remember that i don't mess too much with them).

I also think that Linux desktops can and in fact do look nicer than the average W@@@$ desktop.
Another slogan: Don't waste the power of a pentium-4/512 RAM/160GB HD/nvidia/... with a two-year-old W@@@$. Use Linux!

No sabia que Linux fuera ilegal en Ecuador. Cierto que la mayoria del software que se vende en Latinoamerica es ilegal, pero aun asi, acaso no esta Linux bajo licencias open-source? No se mucho acerca de la legislacion en Ecuador, con todo pienso que no deberia ser ilegal.

Respondiendo a la ultima pregunta: naci en Lima, Peru. Ahora vivo en el otro lado del mundo .

En Peru los CD de software cuestan aproximadamente 1.5 dolares. No importa que software sea, cuesta 1.5 dolares.

Chevere que tambien hables espanhol. Y que viva Linux!


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