I use open office, and I have switched back to MS office, except in the way of spreadsheets. Open office is an exceptional program, but I work in an environment on campus that requires movement between MS office and OOo quite frequently. This does not boed well when many images are involved, or statistical analysis is required. I find that image caption placement done in OOo and ported to MSO does not go smoothly at all. Also, there still remain some functions etc... that don't go accross systems seemlesly.
If my projects were only my projects, and I never had to go between the two products, I would never use anything but OOo. Especially now that they have the KDE look! OOo can do everything MSO does, and can do it better. I only use OO calc to do statistical stuff because it is more intuitive and faster to handle various statistical information generation.
But I am a college student, and I am unable to dictate what I do or don't use in the student labs. I also prefer PowerPoint over OO's presentation setup. They're both very similar but I think Powerpoint is a little more powerful, and once again, it's what is on school systems.
Find out how Xandro's does their office integration, there site shows ms office in linux.:
I've heard good things about Vmware and office. And Cross over office also looks very promising, although I have yet to try either:
Whatever you decide to go with, let us know so that others with a similar question to yours can figure it out on their own.