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Old 11-11-2003, 01:26 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 11

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Unhappy autofs enabled in kernel but auto.mount and auto.master are NOT in /etc!

I would appreciate any help with this at all. I've consulted google searches, numerous autofs and automount tutorials and help guides, as well as the documentation that was included with the kernel and have not found any troubleshooting related to this particular problem.

I am working with an embedded system running Linux 2.2.4. I enabled both the CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS as well as CONFIG_NFS_FS as per the documentation and was able to successfully create a kernel image and download this image to my board.

When I check to see that it was loaded, it shows up alright:
cat /proc/filesystems
nodev autofs

However, when I look in the /etc directory, neither the auto.master nor the auto.mount files are present.

I am assuming that this must be a problem with the way that the autofs was set up in the kernel, but in the documentation that I have found, it simply tells me to enable those two kernel options and that those files should be automatically generated without running scripts or anything.

I am looking to automatically mount a USB camera/cdrom drive, both of which will need to have entries in those files. But I can't add the entries if the files aren't generated!

Any and all help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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