AutoCad is a very bloated "whale" of a application. As much as I use it (and dis-like it at the same time), I would would love to see an open-source alternative that can compete and still maintain compatibility.
AutoCad is to the drafting world like Windows is to the OS world. And from what I know, the most recent releases are so spread out into the the Windows system, that running through Wine or something similar just isn't working (as you can read from the above post).
There have been versions of Microstation (a far better program IMO) that were released under Linux, but I'm not sure how recent this was.
I'm still keeping my eye out for a Linux-native CAD solution (most I've found are so primitive in comparison to AutoCad they are useless).
I guess when you think about the cost of an AutoCad license, paying for Windows to run the darn thing is pocket change in comparison. I realize the economics is only a small reason to choose Linux over Windows. It's an even bigger reason to look for something other AutoCad.
Oh if only I had the programming skills........