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Old 08-08-2001, 12:20 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2001
Distribution: Fedora 22
Posts: 371

Rep: Reputation: 30
ATI Rage Pro Support

i'm still on my quest for DRI support (accelerated graphics, that is) for my ATI Rage Pro card. fortunately, i've found a web page about it after my several weeks of searching for one(

i found the following information on the page:

"There currently is no working Mach64 (Rage Pro) support. A Mach64 branch exists, but work on it was never completed. We are looking for developers to complete the Mach64 work. This is good beginner work since it is relatively easy to complete and you can look at Utah-GLX for example code."

i'm a true beginner with no experience in linux programming. i don't know what files to modify and what to do to them to get them working. i've tried different things with my XF86Config-4 files to no avail and i think i have run out of ideas.

so therefore, i was wondering if anyone here who may have experience in this area try something out to get this to work. i'm assuming since they say that it's for a beginner that someone here know what to do...

i would appreciate it greatly.
Old 08-08-2001, 02:13 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2001
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you may have to buy the x support for this. i have heard of similar problems and they were resolved by buying a commercial version of X

i hope this helps
Old 08-08-2001, 02:57 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2001
Distribution: Fedora 22
Posts: 371

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Rep: Reputation: 30
a thought, but eh... lots of us chose linux because it's virtually free and has lots of global support for things like this. and it's beginner work, after all.

there are just so many people out there having the same problem. surely there's an easy fix out there somewhere.


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