Hi. I noticed that while I am in a man page CTRL-F moves me a page ahead and CTRL-b moves me back a page similiar to EMACS. Is a man page opened in emacs? I thought that when I type 'info command' it's opened in EMACS just wasn't sure about if man was.
Also if anyone knows .... say I type this in VIM
/* this program does something */
'accidently put a space here '
#include <stdio.h>
If I accidently put a space in there by pressing 'enter' is there a way to
make '#include <stdio.h>' pull back up by putting cursor in between the two lines and pressing delete ot something?
if I am in 'command' mode I tried putting cursor between and pressing delete
to PULL the line up to the other line and get rid of the space but it didn't work ... also tried it in 'insert' mode didn't work either.