Yesterday I spent hours working on some rewrite rules, today I moved them from the test server to my active server, and they magically don't work now. The rewrites originally redirected to a new server, but used the exact same rule:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /blah/(.*)(/sess/([a-zA-Z0-9]{32}))?
This exact rule worked before, but now my logs are saying my scrpit Health_e_store.php doesn't exist! My whole site operates off of this site, and is functioning, it has not moved, and this script was referenced by the same rewrite last night. I am so fricken frustrated right now, and I was hoping somebody could look at this thing and slap me upside the head and show me what I missed. The Apache error_log says the following:
[Tue May 20 13:21:43 2003] [error] [client x.x.x.x] File does not exist: /bin/Health_e_store.php
The wierd thing is that the rewrite works without the script file, but the script file does exist, I have confirmed this! ARGH!!!
This exact redirect rule does work, when being accessed from another virtual server, but the redirect is to the same script and ending server.