An idea on using mouse gestures for linux...has this been thought of/implemented?
Hi, I'm wondering if any of you know of a project for this...
I've been using Firebird and Gaim exclusive for a while, now, and I'v grown to love mouse gestures. What I've been craving is a way to switch between windows/open programs using mouse uestures. It could have similar things as Firebird, ex
close window
move to left/right task (from where you are at on the taskbar)
move to previous/forward
open a new window
open a new terminal
ex ex ex
and it could be customizable, so you could have a diffrerent guesture to open all your favorite programs
Anyway, I think this would be an awsome idea.... is tere any of this work being done/been made?
I'm using Rh9/GNOME