Reading the tcsh setup file, I saw that '/etc/csh.cshrc.local' is sourced every time the tcsh shell is launched. Since that file did not exist, I created it and started dumping in alias's.
The 'csh.cshrc.local' file now contains the following;
# alias stuff
alias h history
alias hist history
alias cls clear
alias p 'ping \!*'
alias tr 'traceroute \!*'
# end of file
When I open a tcsh shell
as a user these alias's work (well traceroute doesn't because for some reason as a user I can't run the traceroute command but that's another thread
) Now from that shell, I become root ( 'su' / 'password' ) the alias's fail. Why are they failing as 'root' when they work as 'user', and more importantly, how do I make them available to both root and user?
Thanks much!
p.s. this info may help ...
/home/blah> which tcsh
/home/blah> su
Password: ************************
suse:/home/blah # which tcsh
and as stated above, the file that contains the alias's is...
So it looks like user and root are using 2 different tcsh's?