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Old 11-22-2003, 12:37 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: SuSE 10
Posts: 55

Rep: Reputation: 15
Alias commands in tcsh (Suse 9.0)

Reading the tcsh setup file, I saw that '/etc/csh.cshrc.local' is sourced every time the tcsh shell is launched. Since that file did not exist, I created it and started dumping in alias's.

The 'csh.cshrc.local' file now contains the following;

# alias stuff
alias h history
alias hist history
alias cls clear
alias p 'ping \!*'
alias tr 'traceroute \!*'
# end of file

When I open a tcsh shell as a user these alias's work (well traceroute doesn't because for some reason as a user I can't run the traceroute command but that's another thread ) Now from that shell, I become root ( 'su' / 'password' ) the alias's fail. Why are they failing as 'root' when they work as 'user', and more importantly, how do I make them available to both root and user?

Thanks much!

p.s. this info may help ...

/home/blah> which tcsh
/home/blah> su
Password: ************************
suse:/home/blah # which tcsh

and as stated above, the file that contains the alias's is...
So it looks like user and root are using 2 different tcsh's?

Last edited by m15a4; 11-22-2003 at 12:41 PM.
Old 11-22-2003, 12:46 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Italy: 44° 42' N - 12° 11' E
Distribution: Slackware, what else?!!
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Try "su -"
the hyphen is part of the command.
Old 11-22-2003, 01:19 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: SuSE 10
Posts: 55

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally posted by BSlack
Try "su -"
the hyphen is part of the command.
I did and no change.
Old 11-22-2003, 07:48 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2003
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Looks like when i change to root, it also changes to bash rather than staying in tcsh. How do i stay in tcsh? That looks like the cause.
Old 11-24-2003, 03:25 AM   #5
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Italy: 44° 42' N - 12° 11' E
Distribution: Slackware, what else?!!
Posts: 63

Rep: Reputation: 15
It's likely that root account have bash as default shell (this is the default for every account under Linux).
If you want to change the shell log in as root and use chsh command (see the manual page, man chsh ).
It ask you the password and the shell you want.
Type the full path to the shell, i.e. /bin/tcsh and be CAREFUL that the shell you set exist and is in that directory!!!
Otherwise when you'll log in, you'll have no control on the system and this is a very very bad thing.

Enjoy the Slackware experience
Old 11-26-2003, 03:46 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: SuSE 10
Posts: 55

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks for the help folks, got it working now


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