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punchy71 06-11-2014 07:31 PM

About obscure free software, digital freedoms, privacy and security movements
I have been a long-time fan of the old Free Software Movement principally led by Richard Stallman for the Free Software Foundation. One day I hope to actually be able to run a totally Free Operating System on my PC. I haven't been able to yet however. I'm always in need of some piece of non-free proprietary software of some kind or another to do a task I need done.
I recently read a post by someone who replied to one of my own posts asking a question. In the closing of his post was a body of text showing his support for the Free Software Foundation, GNU Operating system, and advocating digital freedom in the form of the "Electronic Frontier Foundation", and take back your privacy with something called "Reset the net". I also just recently learned about a website called "Hide my Ass" for reasons of a self explanitory nature.
What I am trying to say is that more and more I am learning about computer and internet freedom, privacy and security in ways I have never heard of before.
I've heard of "security" before in the past. That is old hat... or old news, so to speak. And "privacy" gets brought up from time to time too. But, all in all, computer and internet "Freedom" in general you never seem to hear very much about at all. In fact, quite the opposite. It seems like nowadays companies are trying to come up with new ways enslave computer users and people in general. I am curious about any other movements and orginizations that are similar in nature to these that seem to be aimed at ordinary, average people like me who happen to be Linux users.... rather than companies and the people who work for them... in particular those who are more interested in "Freedom", such as myself.... =)
If you know of any additional obscure movements, foundations or orginizations, please feel free to leave a post... If possible, state if the group you know about is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt one..


sundialsvcs 06-11-2014 09:51 PM


dugan 06-11-2014 10:07 PM

But if we named the obscure organizations here, then they won't be obscure anymore.

The Vancouver Community Network, which I used to volunteer for, definitely deserves a shout-out. Free ISP, staffed by free software advocates, does a lot of community outreach, and they used to host my website.

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