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Old 10-19-2002, 10:43 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 15
A few questions

I got a few question that i would like to know the answers.
1 In bash currently the promt is [user]@linux: How and where do i go about changing linux.
2My man pages are not working the command is regonised but it doesnt load any informaiton on a blank default man page.
3Im looking for a security IDS preferably something easy to use that doesnt loose its functionality other than snort(LIDS seems to be very good but i think its to advanced for me at this stage).
4Any emulator that i can use to run windows based applications on another partition that isnt WINE even thou wine isnt an emulator (Hence the name Wine Is Not an Emulator,or somethign like that)
5Is there such thing as a packet logger that doesnt require an ethernet card? if so can oyu name it.
6I wish to know how to talk to other users on the system not having to set up a talk deamon (I think ill use yaps,maybe incorrect spelling).
7For some scripts i currently use it needs to email notification eg of intrution attempts do i need to set up a sendmail server for this?
8How can i 'throw' users off the system if they are local or infact remote?
9Currently i have no services running accept one on port 3000 which is x11, why does it need to be running for the system to operate?
10Is there a way of logging EVERYTHING? I want a list of processes run stoppped files opened changed .

Thank for your time,ill try and research on those question myself while i wait for a responce.
Old 10-19-2002, 11:09 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Denmark
Distribution: OS X
Posts: 306

Rep: Reputation: 30
4. besides wine there is only commercial applications. There is wmware & win4lin
Old 10-20-2002, 12:44 AM   #3
Registered: May 2002
Location: Australia, Sydney, St.Clair
Distribution: Rh 7.3
Posts: 836

Rep: Reputation: 30
1. what you mean changing your hostname?
hostname yourname
2. Maybe the program doesn't include a man page
3. dont know sorry
4. aliensub said em, though wine is very good and WILL get better, or you could get that wineX but you pay for that don't ya?
5. not sure, search around the networking forums maybe
6. yet again you could do a search
7. ummmm search
8. hmmmmm not quite sure
9. Isn't x11 the grapchical layer or something haha i don't know, are you in console or 'X'?
10. That was posted before, a search will find it

As you can tellm i'm quite a newbie...but anyway i would say most of those questions would've been asnsered by searching the forums..

Have Fun..!

Old 10-20-2002, 02:13 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2001
Posts: 24,149

Rep: Reputation: 270Reputation: 270Reputation: 270
2 My man pages are not working the command is regonised but it doesnt load any informaiton on a blank default man page.
Where are you trying to view the man pages ?? Are you doing it from a command prompt or somewhere else ?? What is the exact command your using to try and view the man page ??

6 I wish to know how to talk to other users on the system not having to set up a talk deamon (I think ill use yaps,maybe incorrect spelling).
You can always use the wall command to send system type messages. Are you wanting to chat with them or just send them messages about system.. etc ??

8 How can i 'throw' users off the system if they are local or infact remote?
You can always kill their session. Find their pid of their shell session like you'll find bash running, you can always kill that to log them out. Can't think of any commands off top of my head right now that would log someone out.

9 Currently i have no services running accept one on port 3000 which is x11, why does it need to be running for the system to operate?
Usually when starting or using an X session, it uses port 3000 or I thought it was always 6000. You can always prevent this from being broadcasted sort of say by typing this:

startx -- -nolisten


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