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Old 07-10-2001, 11:05 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Hamilton
Distribution: RedHat 7.2, 9.0
Posts: 52

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Greeting group,

Thanks for all the help these past few months. I am using ipchains to filter packets. This works nicely. I would now like to have rules to filter pesky banners and popups without using a proxy like junkbusters etc.
I am currently writing rules that DENY the source IP addresses but what is happening is the servers continue to push the packets. This makes for continued logging and lengthy /var/log/messages. I was able to do this quite affectively in my windows box with ZoneAlarmPro. Is there anyway to BLOCK specific IP's and eliminate the excessive logging of DENY'd packets without removing the -l?
Could someone give me a rule for this example:

-A input -s -d -j DENY -l

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Old 07-11-2001, 06:23 AM   #2
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No, u cant.
It would be a failure for Ipchains to parse a rule, find a match, and then *not* log it when -l is specified...
Btw whats ure argument against junkbuster?
Its way more efficient & flexible, ipchains is a *crude* solution.
Old 07-13-2001, 03:03 PM   #3
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Junkbuster config

Thanks for the reply. I assumed you have a high opinion of junkbuster, so I installed it. It appears to be working OK.

Is there anyway to improve its performance?
Old 07-14-2001, 07:21 AM   #4
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What is the problem? Can you elaborate a bit on it? I never had any troubles with junkbusters performance...
Old 07-15-2001, 12:35 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2001
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Its Like This...

Using 'junkbuster', pages are slow to load. Half to quarter speed or from average 4KB's/sec down to 1-2KB's/sec. I assume this to be a normal sacrifice since 'junkbuster' examines every image on a web page. Unfortunately, I only have a 56K 'linmodem' and a dial-up. Maybe when we move in August I can look into a higher speed connection.
What are your stats?

I also have ipchains and 'portsentry' running. I'm not sure that I need 'portsentry' any longer since building the chains, but I have it in -atcp/-audp mode. I thought it to be a good secondary defense.

I do like the way 'junkbuster' crunches cookies, it took a little configuring to allow sites like 'linukquestions', to use cookies for ID/etc. I also had to change the file names on some of my own *.gifs since 'junkbuster' generically filters anything named *banner*.

I just wondered if anything could be done to improve the speed a little. Besides more up2date hardware. I'm not ready for that just yet.


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