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Old 12-10-2005, 03:55 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2005
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Warcraft III: NoCD

hey guys:
i have warcraft 3 and made a backup copy of it, but it doesnt work and i cant play since someone took my cd. i heard there is such a thing as "no-cd cracks". can someone fill me in and possibly help me to get the game running? im a beginner in games so would u please explain things as simpliest as u can =D thankx.
Old 12-10-2005, 08:58 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
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the game runs now, except that it doenst seem to connect to bnet. still trying out to find out the problem. anyone knows possibily why its not connecting?
Old 12-11-2005, 10:34 AM   #3
Registered: May 2005
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When connecting to Battle.Net It checks for an original unpatched war3.exe, so the patched exe keeps it from allowing you to connect. Here is info on how to get around it from the Wine AppDB located here (

When using a hacked exe, there is a special scenario where you may make a bash script that will fool the remote exe check enabling online play. Here is what I have used. This would be, for example, in the game folder called, "set_links"

cat > set_links << EOF
cd ~/c/War3 
rm War3.exe 
ln -s War3_original.exe War3.exe 
sleep 6 
rm War3.exe 
ln -s War3_nocd.exe War3.exe
chmod +x set_links

I open the game to the main menu where you can connect to Before connecting, I switch to a console, like tty1 "ctrl-alt-f1", run the command, and immediately switch back "alt-f7" to connect within 6 seconds. It sets the link to the original exe so when the game check its size, it sees it as it should, then changes it back. If it doesn't pass the exe check within 6 seconds (from realm lag or something) it will fail. 

I got this idea from someone who said for Diablo 2, to copy the original exe over the no cd when connecting to This, unfortunately, can crash the game, because the physical code locations change due to differences between the nocd and original exe's. I brainstormed the idea to use symbolic links, with the idea that wine would keep the nocd and original exe's physical code seperate if they actually have different -- and still valid -- inodes. The game will only see the game as the simply as the original game file "war3.exe", because not only does it not know about symbolic links, wine will work with them both ways. 

You might be able to make a script to set the symbolic link to the nocd exe, run the game, sleep about 20 seconds, then set the symbolic link to the original exe after the game is running, and leave it like that. I'm not sure how safe it is though. Whatever the method you choose, it is up to you, as the idea of using symlinks is enough, you may choose the best way.
Hope that helps you.


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