Originally posted by reddazz
APT and YUM both have gui's and they automatically resolve dependencies.
What I meant was a CD that has all the files needed for any Linux system to run any type of games. The CD would need to have compilers and their libraries on it in case the install doesn't have compilers or the distro didn't come with them. I mean a installer util that has all the packages on the CD so you don't have to hunt them down.
The reason I posted this was because I saw a 20 reply or more thread to a post on slashdot about Linux never getting close to Microsoft Windows* because you have to mess with dependencies when dealing with gaming.
Here's the link....
So... what you would end up with would be a support pack CD specifically for gaming only. No games on it. Just all of the files required. A universal pre-game install CD for newbie, novice and expert alike.
To recap, this is what I think it should do...
* search your Linux install for drivers/utils/libraries matching those on the util CD.
* version info output to text file and gui text box
* all paths verbosed
* all file versions listed with old vs new listing
* "other" option for each install selection, whether RPM or tarball, so you can select a file on you hard disk or other storage medium or internet location.
* autoscript so no commands such as "
rpm -i --force <rpm name>" or "
tar xvzf <filename>; ./configure;make;make install" needed for every file you intend to install from the CD.
I know what YUM and apt (apt-get) are. I've been to linuxpackages.net and looked at what they have. Stuff to make packages, download packages and compare/install/uninstall packages. But... no one has the files required plus all their dependencies on a CD that all install in the correct order,
before you attempt at installing any games.