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Old 01-11-2004, 02:43 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 253

Rep: Reputation: 20
Need FlightGear compiling help

I installed the PRM version of flightgear-0.9.2-2mdk.i586.rpm. It runs fine.
Now I want to install some optional scenery which is only available in .tar.gz form (I think).
In reading up on it, I see reference to files that don't exist on my system, such as /FlightGear, etc.
I suspect that these files would have been created if I had compiled the base package instead of using the RPM package.
Question...Would I be better off removing my version of FlightGear and getting the .tar.gz version instead, and start by learning to compile and install the base in that way? I don't see the .tar.gz version around. Can you point me to it?
Please don't mind all my questions. At the moment it looks like I am in for a rough ride learning to compile.
Another question...Is the process, very basically, 1) unpack with a command and 2) compile with a compiler and then 3) install?
Old 01-12-2004, 11:42 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Reading, UK
Distribution: Debian 3.0, LFS
Posts: 524

Rep: Reputation: 37
I've installed FlightGear from source before. It wasn't much trickier than any other source package, but it does take a while and has several dependencies.
I can't imagine that you'd need to install from source to get the scenery working though. Post up the README or the INSTALL (for the scenery) and I'll have a look and try to help


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