Well, I have no explanation whatsoever as to what happened other than Cedega died. It was working perfectly yesterday (I only really play City Of Heroes on it atm, but occasionally, I'll get on for Warcraft III) and now it doesn't work at all. I tried to launch City Of Heroes and my CPU usage goes up to it's usual 99%, but it doesn't stay there and it quickly drops back to 0%. The window it should be in is still there (I run it in windowed mode through Cedega, so it opens the window first) but nothing loads. I did a Ctrl+C on the terminal to cancel the task and
this message pops up. I have
never seen anything like this, and it totally caught me off surprise. I honeslty have no clue as to where to start. I've already tried rebooting/re-installing Cedega which has yielded absolutely no results :\.
Man, and I missed out on a TaskForce too :|.
Any help would be very appreciated.