yes, they added that line to file
version.c from inside the gcc build folders
it's defined as extern const char string[];, if I remember correctly, and its default value is
3.4.2 so I, in theory, only have to change its value within version.c to show something like
gcc 3.4.2 (SN95G5/Athlon64 optimized) (of course, as I said, this is only for 'eye-candy', no more)
so steps to customize gcc's version output are the following:
1. untar the gcc tarball (I'm using full gcc tarball instead of separated ones)
2. locate
version.c file, located under gcc-3.4.2/gcc/version.h (I'm using 3.4.2)
3. change the version string to fit your taste
save changes on file and... voila