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Linux From Scratch This Forum is for the discussion of LFS.
LFS is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system.


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Old 02-14-2002, 05:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 10

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Question Quick questions ?


I am going to reinstall LFS in the next day or so, and I have a few ideas; I just need some minor assistance.

I would like to use the tgz hint to install Slackware's packages and checkinstall. Now, should I do this:
1) Statically link checkinstall sometime during the chapter with all the statically linked stuff
2) Then, after I install glibc and bash, make, etc. (this is where I need your help) install checkinstall. At what point during the ch'rooted environment chapter should I install checkinstall in order to make sure my packages are as up to date as possible?


1) Should I just wait until after LFS is installed to install slackware/checkinstall?


1) What other type of basic (i.e no rpm/deb/etc.) package management system would you reccomend that doesn't require much more than bash? Or, should I just keep track of my packages I install from source and
manually remove them; what do you think is most efficient?

The next question:

I have heard that it is in some ways better to deviate a little from the book and install all the static programs into /usr/src/static and make the $PATH variable correct then install the programs as usual in the ch'rooted environment then delete /static after that chapter.

Do you think this is a good idea, or should I just do as the current LFS rc book says?

If you are running i686, what compile optimizations did you use besides -O3 -march=i686; did it work? or did some programs act strangely if you went more than those suggested in optimization.txt.

I'm also going to do the bsd-style-init scripts again, install GRUB again, Gawk instead of mawk again, XFS (didn't do this one last time), and a few other little deviations; It is my system right?

Any other suggestions?


Off to some more reading of the ****ing manuals
Old 02-14-2002, 08:02 PM   #2
LFS Maintainer
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Distribution: Linux From Scratch
Posts: 372

Rep: Reputation: 30
Re: Quick questions ?

Originally posted by Floppy

I am going to reinstall LFS in the next day or so, and I have a few ideas; I just need some minor assistance.

I would like to use the tgz hint to install Slackware's packages and checkinstall. Now, should I do this:
1) Statically link checkinstall sometime during the chapter with all the statically linked stuff
2) Then, after I install glibc and bash, make, etc. (this is where I need your help) install checkinstall. At what point during the ch'rooted environment chapter should I install checkinstall in order to make sure my packages are as up to date as possible?


1) Should I just wait until after LFS is installed to install slackware/checkinstall?


1) What other type of basic (i.e no rpm/deb/etc.) package management system would you reccomend that doesn't require much more than bash? Or, should I just keep track of my packages I install from source and
manually remove them; what do you think is most efficient?

The next question:

I have heard that it is in some ways better to deviate a little from the book and install all the static programs into /usr/src/static and make the $PATH variable correct then install the programs as usual in the ch'rooted environment then delete /static after that chapter.

Do you think this is a good idea, or should I just do as the current LFS rc book says?

If you are running i686, what compile optimizations did you use besides -O3 -march=i686; did it work? or did some programs act strangely if you went more than those suggested in optimization.txt.

I'm also going to do the bsd-style-init scripts again, install GRUB again, Gawk instead of mawk again, XFS (didn't do this one last time), and a few other little deviations; It is my system right?

Any other suggestions?


Off to some more reading of the ****ing manuals
I can't help with the slackware tgz or checkinstall questions. You'll be better off subscribing to the blfs-support mailing list, or contact the author of those hints directly.

Regarding package management: check out

Yes you can install stuff in a /static directory and remove it afterwards. In fact, the LFS-Book will be doing that in the near future. Until then we've made available a hint so the impatient people under us can do it while we're working on converting the book. Get it at

I recommend against optimizations. You'll most likely not even notice optimized programs. It may sounds kewl and amazing but in retrospect it's not worth it. I used to do it for a while, then decided that I didn't see any performance differences so I stopped using optimizations. Saves you a lot of trouble as well and keeping your fingers crossed while you test out a package.

I can't say whether or not your system is right. If it's what you want, then your system is right according to your needs. That's what LFS is all about anyways, you're not following my agenda or have to do it my way simply because I wrote the book. I wrote the guidelines on which you base your own stuff, I didn't write "The Only True Way".


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