this is the other post.
so i can use urls in my next one 8) muahaha
sorry for this 8)
---------- Post added 12-09-11 at 07:04 AM ----------
we are using a LFS based Distribution for some years now in a production environment.. Last year i started to completly rebuild our system from scratch based on on the latest LFS at this time..
in our first approach we used a very complicated package-tracking (i won't call it management) system where we scanned the system, installed a package, scanned the system again and the resulting diff of the two scans was the content of the package.. easy, not very fast, but it worked..
but it was ugly as hell and all the information how a package was built was lost somewhere in the depth of our filesystems.. it was hard to rebuild/update a package..
so i looked at the tasks we have to do in a very trivial loop... get the source, extract, configure, build, install, package.. all package-management software out there like rpm/deb/pkgtools/ehatever was to complicated and to powerfull.. we just want to build a software, install and remove ist.. no complicated dependency checking, repository choosing, complicated syntax learning will help us do the job.. 8)
so we started a small pkg-builder with minimalistic package-management features based on our tools we used in the past..
since wget, tar, ./configure, make, make install.. are all we need to build an LFS system we decided to just build a bash-skeletonm for our packages were all the information how to build the package is included and documented.. this skeleton can be used to rebuild and update the package..
after some heavy optimization we ended up with a software we call bee "Bau Et Einfach"(german) which can be translated to "just build it"..
were we create a generic build-file (the bee-file) which in its easiest representation has exactly 2 lines..
a first line to specify the interpreter - a bash script which just exports a bunch of functions and variables and starts the build..
and a second line to set a variable where to get the sources from -> the url of the realease tarball..
e.g.: SRCURL[0] = ""
this 2 line bee-file then can build a standard package from a release tarball just by executing it... the name of the resulting package is based on the name of the bee-file..
since LFS is based on various additional options/hacks which are included in the build process there is of course a way to include all those hacks in the bee-file..
after executing the bee-file you end up with an installable package.. (bee install)..
behind the scenes: bee just uses the default build processes and features like DESTDIR= to install everything temporarly in some image directory..
and then packages the installed files along with some meta files to a standard tarpackage... which can be extracted manually or installed using bee..
how easy it can be(e): we even implemented some intelligence in extracting version information so that we can build generiv bee-files for a specific software so that we can update a software by just renaming the corresponding bee-file and executing it under the new name (as long as the build process did not change dramatically):
e.g. cp bee-0.3-0.bee bee-1.0-0.bee && ./bee-1.0-0.bee && bee install bee-1.0-0 && bee remove bee-0.3.0.x86_64
to create a bee-file skeleton is as easy as: bee init
it is not yet released, it lacks documentation, it may have bugs, but we are currently using it on our production system, which is based on LFS and features everything from linux kernel to GNOME3/KDE4/XFCE4 with firefox and libreoffice (oh yeah.. we actually don't had the time to compile libreoffice.. but we used bee to install the official rpm-based libreoffice release) and even KVM and other cool stuff we are currently working on..
since this is open source you can track our current development process here:
a prove of concept on how to build LFS with bee: which is still pretty empty 8)
requirements are (uncomfirmed and incomplete)
- LFS inspired build tool
- supports: autotools, cmake, (pure) Makefile, perl-modules, python-modules ..
- easy, automated patching by giving patches in a list of URLS/absolut pathes/mix..
- build process can be easily manipulated using bash syntax and every tool you like..
- generated packages can be cleanly installed/removed at any time..
- NO dependency checking/support..
- NO real package management..
- NO external Repositories..
- some generic install time hooks to update mandb, ldconfig, etc..
it is just a helper.. to easily maintain a lfs based distro 8)
- bee-file, metadata, pacthes are included in the resulting package to allow an easy
rebuild and to maintain the documentation of how a software was built..
may be some one wants to give it a try when 1.0 is released..
install is just: get it, extract it, make , make install ...
usage: bee init <URL> ; edit and execute the bee-file created (./software-1.0-0.bee) ; bee install software-1.0-0 ; start the software ; "bee" happy 8)
if you like it.. contact us... if you don't like it.... just ignore it... 8) please don't start flaming till the first official release is out.. 8)
marius tolzmann & the bee people.. 8)