Im about to start chapter 6.13.1 and the note mention something about CFLAGS:
If you have a CPU which is capable of running 64-bit code and you have specified CFLAGS in the environment, the configure script will attempt to configure for 64-bits and fail. Avoid this by adding ABI=32 to the CFLAGS variable for the duration of the configure command below, then remove it afterwards.
I remember back in chap 5.10.1 while installing GCC there was something with the CFLAGS:
cp -v gcc/Makefile.in{,.tmp}
sed 's/^T_CFLAGS =$/& -fomit-frame-pointer/' gcc/Makefile.in.tmp \
> gcc/Makefile.in
I have an 64bits cpu but im running an 32bits host in a virtual box,
do i still need to add the variable mentioned in the note and if yes how it should be done ?
Thanks in advance !