Well when trying to compile gnat for clfs it always errors, even if patching gcc, it has something to do witht he paths, it doesnt know what to do when there are more then 1 set of libs, slackware's alien bob has gotten it to work, but his method is not really compatible with clfs because slackware already has a working gnat compiler, since CLFS doesn not, you have to build one, and thats what i am having trouble with, gcc gnat will not behave and compile with anything other then ada cores version of gnat dating back to 2005, the problem lies with not having a 64 bit version of ada... since the other version of adacores compiler do not work I have no idea how to do this.
I was thinking about compiling LFS 32bit with adacores gcc then since I have a working gcc gnat compiler I am hoping I can cross compile that to 64bits and hope it compiles, any other ideas on how I could go about this?