"You can't" is what the people at Oracle would say...
Non gui installation is not supported for Oracle > 9i
I had the same problem a few weeks ago, and solved it like this:
1Pc runnig linux without X, where you want to install Oracle on (I will call this the ORACLE_HOST)
1Pc running a full linux instaal X/KDE/Gnome, whatever (I will call this "Your_pc")
From the X enabled pc (your_pc) in an xterm do "ssh -X my_user@oracle_host"
This will let you log in to the oracle_host, in to the console.
Now the -X parameter from ssh will enable X-forwarding.
If you start the Oracle installer now, it will execute on the Oracleserver, but Gui Windows will be shown on your desktop as if the programms runs on your PC.
This did the Trick for me.