The ASE log file reports that its using Posix async I/O and not the preferred Kernel async I/O. As far as I know, ASE will try and use kaio when available, and if not, use posix aio.
We got a guy from Sybase into the office today. He brought along a c proggie to test if the kernel is running kaio. The test successfully determined that our RHAS is running with kaio enabled, but then way is Sybase not using it? Some reports claim that Sybase just report it incorrectly, although it does not make sense to me.
The guy from Sybase was running ASE on RH Enterprise with kaio. We are using RHAS 3 and it reports posix. The only difference we could see is that we were running a earlier version of glibc (we're running 2.3.2-95.3 and he 2.3.2-95.27, both on kernel 2.4.21-4).
Think glibc can be the reason? Where can I find the latest or at least version 2.3.2-95.27? It's worth a try.