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Linux - Embedded & Single-board computer This forum is for the discussion of Linux on both embedded devices and single-board computers (such as the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard and PandaBoard). Discussions involving Arduino, plug computers and other micro-controller like devices are also welcome.


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Old 02-22-2012, 12:17 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2012
Posts: 8

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medical kit on intel atom having fc 11

I am building a portable medical kit on intel atom N240 series, I am adding sensors(spirometer oximeter) through GPIO,(using RS 232 , spi,usb is also an option). I have loaded the module needed to bring GPIO to userspace and I can now set each pin as input/output , the logical values at these pins. all this i am able to do from both kernel space and user space(writing to /sys/class/gpio folders).
Now i need to add these sensors to the board,where should I start of to understand the way these sensors work( their mode of tramission)how do I code to access these sensors.
Initially i would like to start of by adding an LCD or LED display, Where shall i start from. There quite a few tutorials on this topics for ARM but none for intel atom, if 1 exist can you please suggest me where it is

Thanks in advance.
Old 02-23-2012, 12:31 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2002
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Now i need to add these sensors to the board,where should I start of to understand the way these sensors work( their mode of tramission)how do I code to access these sensors.
The word sensor is somewhat of broad term and since you have not provided much detail on the your project it is difficult to find a place to start. It would be easiest to find an existing piece of equipment that outputs data via RS-232 or USB.

Here is one suggestion for a display.


embedded, gpio, intel, rs232, sensors

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