What would be suitable?
Good day all, Im new to linux, but no ass when it comes to learning, i have a fair knowledge of nix now,
And i was wandering, i wanna dual boot which is no trouble. but im gonna put linux on a 2gig seperate drive,
now the distro im really looking for would be a net tools distro,
An Xwindows manager would be an advantage but not needed.
I want a small but powerfull distro that i will use for nothing but compiling and using network/internet tools,
and testing new vulnerablilties on my small home lan, cause im applying a new job of a network admin, So i need all the net tools in their lke ping ,gping, traceroute, etc etc, also useuall compilers like gcc etc, but no other crap (cept mabye a WM), can any one recommend a nice disto for this kind of work??
Oh yeah, and to run fine on a 2gig drive?
sorry for babbling---its late..
many thanks