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Cepa995 08-11-2019 12:43 PM

What does "symbol lookup error" mean when I try to debug my program
I have installed, and verified installation of **OpenVINO** by following instructions at this link:

Distribution, Editor and Technologies that I am using are: Ubuntu, Visual Studio Code, Go Programming Language and AWS Lambda

I am trying to load a pre-trained Deep Learning model and its configuration. Here is the code for it in case it helps someone figure this out:

net := gocv.ReadNet(localModelPath, localModelConfigPath)
if net.Empty() {
glog.Errorf("Error occurred while trying to read DNN model and its configuration from %v. Error message - %v", localModelPath, err)
return err

defer net.Close()

Whenever I try to debug the program, after trying to execute **gocv.ReadNet** function I get the following error message:

/home/jovana/go/src/pipeline/lambda/inferenceLambda/__debug_bin: symbol lookup error: /home/jovana/go/src/pipeline/lambda/inferenceLambda/__debug_bin: undefined symbol: _ZN2cv3dnn14dnn4_v201901227readNetERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES9_S9_

Note that go/src/pipeline/lambda/inferenceLambda is path to the main.go script I am trying to debug.

I honestly have no idea what this message means and where to start fixing it. Please help.

scasey 08-12-2019 09:39 AM

Did you find no help here at all?

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