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Old 12-11-2022, 02:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2018
Location: Oslo, Norway
Distribution: Void Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD
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Void Linux: PCIe to USB-C adapter not detected by system

Hi, I'm running Void Linux

I have a PCIe USB 3.1 Adapter installed in one of my two PCIe 16x slots, but it's not detected by my system. Can't see anything about it in dmesg, and nothing in lspci or lsusb or lshw. In the other PCIe slot I have my GPU. I have also plugged in a SATA power cable to the adapter.

I've tried two separate units so it shouldn't be a hardware problem.

Link to hardware: (couldn't find it anywhere except this norwegian page where I bought it):

I have a pretty old "Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq 8200 Elite CMT" from around 2012.

I tried upgrading the BIOS now to the latest 2019 update, but didn't help.

My GPU occupies the other PCIe slot, and physically covers it if I move it to where the USB card is now, so there are no options to move it. I tested the GPU in both slots though, so I know that they both work.

I tried disabling the front and "accessory" usb ports (not sure what they are, but 4 appear), but didn't help.

The BIOS options are quite limited, but maybe something could be done?
Here are some BIOS creenshots in case they are relevant:

Any suggestions what to try/whether or not to give up?
Old 12-12-2022, 01:59 PM   #2
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I would try disabling usb security in bios if me.

I am guessing you checked these adapters on other gear 1st?

Hmmm. After translating site to Texan. They give a plug a play statement.

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Windows Server 2012
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Last edited by rokytnji; 12-12-2022 at 02:03 PM.
Old 12-26-2022, 02:25 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2022
Posts: 294

Rep: Reputation: 50
I have a PCIe USB 3.1 Adapter installed in one of my two PCIe 16x slots

YOU DIDN'T SAY WHAT BRAND. I assume this is a card. What brand?

Not everything that says "IDE" is ide. For example, CDROMs for 10 years said "IDE" on the boxes but none of them EVER were IDE, they ALL required drivers. On the other hand, CDROM that said SCSI always worked attatched to a scsi adapter without drivers. What does that tell you?

There's allot of hardware out there that ISN'T ALL IN SILICON, they require drivers to "do what they say on the box". And there's no police who are going to challenge them.

You need to insure hardware is Linux compatible before you buy it. Because allot of it isn't. Sometimes it's linux's fault only meaning linux never GOT a driver but the hardware is fine. But linux did get pci-card-usb drivers - to my memory.

I means: it says USB on the box but isn't usb unless the drivers are installed. For some not all. It's a possiblity you have "a china windows card" there (famous for not supporting anything without win10 drivers).

I can't view screenshots since using Firefox they can contain viruses, due to wonderful california programming practices.

> "but it's not detected by my system"

I think it should show up in lspci(1), that's a problem.


the #1 i'd check here is if your aware seating cards can sometimes be difficult

I've got this pci video card which is a bear. the backplate isn't perfect so it doesn't sit perfect. Unlike my other cards - this card will not work unless it's perfectly seated even though "it pops in down and apparently straight" it really really wants perfection (which, on no-name brand frames, does not exist they are always out of spec). so i have to not screw it in !

Yea - you should disable USB in your bios. I would be surprised if you cannot.

maybe you should use the PC for win10 and get a different box for linux?

you can get "free BIOS" and upload it ... but wow. i guarantee you not a great idea on an HP. they do things their way. problem.

Last edited by xlfs-0.2; 12-26-2022 at 02:26 AM.


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