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Old 07-06-2004, 06:06 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: 'Ol Blighty
Distribution: SLED 10, SUSE 10.3
Posts: 722

Rep: Reputation: 32
Suse 9.1 Pro Update from 9.0 Pro - experiences

This must have been about the most painless update I've ever had.

1) Save user data from /HOME
2) Re-install system as a NEW system
3) restore user /HOME directories.

Problems encountered

1) -- Sound with WINTV card -- easily fixed when you select LINE as input and select the OSS option

2) -- DVD playing --- UNINSTALL all the XINE stuff and re-install

LIBDVDCSS, LIBXINE1, W32CODEC, XINE-UI in that order from

Don't forget after installing to turn DMA ON otherwise you'll get jerky video.
Also you might have a permission problem --works fine as root --ensure your DVD is mounted and readable.

3) OKLE DVD player I don't think this is available yet for KDE 3.2 -- doesn't matter as XINE works fine

4) Wireless networking -- I'm using the drivers from Linuxant. Didn't work until I installed the suse 9.1 fix from their site

5) User fonts etc not very good -- deleted users and KDE files and then re added them AFTER installation. Added Microsoft Truetype fonts.

6) There's a bit more choice in the screen design etc but it's fine once you've figured it all out.

Note --TIP --- if you have NVIDIA do the ONLINE update during installation if you can.

Kernel 2.6 feels nice and snappy. Am Satisfied with the whole process.
Normally updating a distro is a real pain --this one was essentially painless.

Last edited by 1kyle; 07-06-2004 at 06:10 AM.
Old 07-06-2004, 10:21 PM   #2
bruno buys
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Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Rio
Distribution: Debian
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Rep: Reputation: 46
Quite similar to my own. Xine works fine, yes. But everytime a dvd playback starts I have to tick the option "deinterlace video". Can't it be set to deinterlace by default?

Ogle is installed here in kde 3.2.2. ogle-0.9.2-ogle1


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