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Old 08-24-2002, 02:44 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2002
Location: phoenix,az
Distribution: red hat linux enterprise-centos
Posts: 766

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raid and red hat 7.3


a question, to set up raid on red hat 7.3, i must have a raid partition on each of my 2 hard drives. am i correct?
Old 08-24-2002, 03:59 AM   #2
Registered: May 2002
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Depends entirely on what RAID strategy you want to use.

Old 09-01-2002, 09:35 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Melb.Vic.Com.Au
Distribution: Red Hat 6.2 - 7.3 and Smoothwall
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Re: raid and red hat 7.3

Originally posted by ronss

a question, to set up raid on red hat 7.3, i must have a raid partition on each of my 2 hard drives. am i correct?
Hey dude!

Are you talking Hardware raid or Software raid? What raid mode? 0 or 1 or 0+1 or wtf??

I'm having trouble getting the RH 7.3 installer to pickup my raid array, 2 x 40gb Seagate's in stripe on a FastHack66. RH doesn't want a bar of it.


Old 09-01-2002, 05:25 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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You'll need the driver disks for your RAID drive. When you get to the installation screen for linux you'll need to type "expert text" and it'll ask for for a driver disk. Then just follow the onscreen instructions.

I've just installed linux on a HPT RAID controller, I should imagine it'll be similar, you'll be able to get the drivers from somewhere on the web.
Old 09-01-2002, 05:26 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Forgot to add this - the autopartiton option should be able to sort out the partiton problems.
Old 12-02-2002, 11:26 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Melb.Vic.Com.Au
Distribution: Red Hat 6.2 - 7.3 and Smoothwall
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Originally posted by jtibbit
You'll need the driver disks for your RAID drive. When you get to the installation screen for linux you'll need to type "expert text" and it'll ask for for a driver disk. Then just follow the onscreen instructions.

I've just installed linux on a HPT RAID controller, I should imagine it'll be similar, you'll be able to get the drivers from somewhere on the web.
I have played with the Promise Ultra66/100 driver disc, downloadable from the promise website, and have not had any luck.

The hdd's time out according to the SMP kernel, yeah i am using a SMP rig, SMP kernel that's default with RH 7.3. Hardware is:

Epox KP6BS dual slot1 board.
Matched pair of pII 350 cpu's. SL2WM iirc with ECC l2 cache.
384mb sdram, 3 x 128mb.
Promise Ultra66, hacked to FastTrack66.
2 x 40gb SeaGate Barra 4's, 3.75 firmware.
Adaptec 1505 isa scsi formy 2x external burner.
GeForce 3ti 200, 128mb AGP.
40x Cdrom and std 3 & 1/4 floppy.

It's running fine, dare i say it, with Win2k atm, without a hitch. The array is nice and stable, not had a single problem with it. Been playing with all sort's of differant way's to get it working, without any luck...... I have even played with taking 1 cpu out, and running the rig as a UNI cpu boxen, with the UNI cpu kernel.


ToranaGuy ( OCAU )


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