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Old 10-20-2005, 10:13 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: RedHat Enterprise WS v.3
Posts: 27

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Proper configuration of the /etc/X11/prefdm* files and or links?

For those in need of a challenge today, I gracoisly submit the following . . .

In the /var/log/messages file the following errors occur:

Oct 16 04:04:49 hostA prefdm[18388]: Cannot execute '/etc/X11/prefdm_config'
Oct 16 04:04:49 hostA prefdm[18387]: Cannot read from helper
Oct 16 04:04:49 hostA prefdm[18387]: Abnormal helper termination, code 1, si
gnal 0
Oct 16 04:04:49 hostA prefdm[18387]: Config reader failed. Aborting ...

The errors repeat several times until ultimately the initially reported error message occurs:

Oct 16 04:04:49 hostA init: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minut

Examination of the /etc/X11 directory reveals the absence of the prefdm_config file, explaining the system error stating that that file can not be executed. (How can it execute it if it doesn't exists!) Further investigation reveals that /etc/X11/prefdm is a link to /usr/bin/kdm and the existence of /etc/X11/prefdm_gdm. The assumption being at some point the original prefdm script was moved to prefdm_gdm and the link from /etc/X11/prefdm to /usr/bin/kdm was put in its place.

The /etc/X11/prefdm_gdm file is attached to the ticket as prefdm. Not too surprisingly, when the prefdm to kdm link was moved to say prefdm_kdm. And /etc/X11/prefdm_gdm moved to /etc/X11/prefdm, the errors went away.

Research has lead to information stating the link from /etc/X11/prefdm to /usr/bin/kdm is created during boot by the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script. However, our rc.sysinit script has no code that could create such a link.

What is the proper configuration of the /etc/X11/prefdm* files and or links? How could this link from /etc/X11/prefdm to /usr/bin/kdm have been created? Could a package update have triggered it?

Thank you
Old 06-14-2017, 09:11 AM   #2
mustafa mirza
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2017
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
centos 6.9 boot issue , how to solved initrefdm main process (2310) terminated with status 1
initrefdm respawnsing too fast, stopped


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