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Old 01-05-2019, 12:51 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2019
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Linux Mint 19.1 no longer opens a terminal window using a [Desktop Entry] with Terminal=true

Can someone else please try this out.

Using Linux Mint 19.1

Note: this worked under Linux mint 19 and earlier versions.

create a simple bash script called on the desktop

add these lines

echo "IT Works"
sleep 5

make it executable and when you run it from a terminal you can run it using /home/$USER/Desktop/test and it will say "IT Works" on the terminal screen.

create a desktop icon called test.desktop on your desktop.
Edit this so it includes the following

[Desktop Entry]

make it executable.

When you click on it, it does not open a terminal window to display the output, Why would this functionality of Terminal=true be removed for 19.1?

If you change the Exec line to Exec=gnome-terminal -- /home/$USER/Desktop/ then of coarse it does work.
Old 01-05-2019, 01:57 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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A quick scour of the web sees that similar problems have been reported for MATE and LXQt (in the absence of information, I've assumed that you're using Cinnamon). It seems that the "Terminal=true" may default to using xterm so if that isn't installed then no dice. I suggest you install xterm and see what happens.
Old 01-05-2019, 02:34 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks, but installing xterm didn't help.

I tried installing xterm, but there was no change. I looked at the threads as well.

You would think that glib would include gnome-terminal anyway. Does anyone know if there any way to post a bug report to the Linux Mint Cinnamon developers? I just want to make sure they are aware of this.
Old 01-05-2019, 05:12 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by aversatech View Post
I tried installing xterm, but there was no change. I looked at the threads as well.

You would think that glib would include gnome-terminal anyway. Does anyone know if there any way to post a bug report to the Linux Mint Cinnamon developers? I just want to make sure they are aware of this.
Oh well, it was worth a go.

The Cinnamon Github page is here:

Please let us know what response you get. Also, it might be worth your while posting a thread on the Mint forums ( to see if anyone there knows why this behaviour has changed.
Old 01-27-2019, 05:24 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Smile .desktop file problem - Linux Mint 19.1

A .desktop installer didn't work on LM 19.1

This same .desktop installer worked no problem in LM 18.3


I copied the .desktop file and the hidden .setup file it called to: /usr/share/applications (did this via a file manager window opened as root).

This created a menu item which I clicked and the installer worked no problem.

I cleaned up by deleting the copied files from the /usr/... folder.

The installer was for the Zoho Workdrive client if this helps anyone.

Last edited by papist; 01-29-2019 at 03:56 AM. Reason: typo


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