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Old 11-16-2004, 03:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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Unhappy Linux acting like Windows? Has H*ll frozen Over? Lockup/Freeze in FC3 x86_64

My system is intermittantly freezing and I have to reboot it. I did not have this issue in FC2 x86_64.

I think I am having some sort of driver issue but not sure. I can't find anything out of order in any of the logs. The OS never locks up in the same place, sometimes it will run for hours (14 hrs was the longest) and sometimes just minutes. It has locked up in Mozilla, Firefox, the terminal, and just running the screensaver among others. Also, I updated the OS using Yum.

My system :

Athlon 64 3000+
Gigabyte K8N Pro MB w/nforce chipset
512 Meg Memory
NVIDIA FX5200 Graphics Card (AGP)
ATI TV Wonder VE
Additional generic USB 2.0 board (TI chipet)
Creative Labs Soundblaster PCI 512
2 ATA drives attached to nforce controller
one SATA drive attached to onboard ITE 8212F controller (not seen by OS)
The onboard AC97 sound & GigaRaid controller are turned off in BIOS

If anyone has anything (even a SWAG) please let me know, I am at my wits end with this issue and really would rather not have to go back to FC2.


Old 11-16-2004, 03:47 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Sydney, Australia
Distribution: Ultima, Blag, KateOS, PCLinuxOS, Frugalware
Posts: 216

Rep: Reputation: 31
Since you're running such a new, barely supported system, it could be anything... But one thing that comes to mind, are you using nvidia's binary drivers? If so, you might want to try switching to open source "nv". It will mean you'll lose hardware acceleration, but they usually are more stable...
Also, it would be interesting to know if your system really crashes, or is it just the display (and keyboard/mouse) that freeze - in other words, X. This, I found, is often the case with nvidia drivers: the system is actually running, but the display completely locks up, at random. That's why I don't bother with nvidia drivers anymore...
Anyway, If you have another machine you can ssh to your 'frozen' system, and kill the offending processes, or at least restart it gracefully. But if you don't have another machine then that's it - time for the reset switch ...
Old 11-16-2004, 06:22 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 6
Posts: 14

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Ferrix, good point about the X question. I will try that ( I have several other systems I can try) next time the system locks up (won't take long) and report back.

I am using the NVIDIA driver that came with the FC3 Distro, I had been mulling over trying the NVIDIA drivers for the chipset and the Card from NVIDIA as they seemed to work fine on FC1 & 2. I will hold off on that until I answer the X question.

I will try the SSH route first.




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