More of this one's
There are also some more "Minimalist" Linux distros than the above, which should give you some of the basic apps you mentioned above.
One is BasicLinux which has worked great on an old Pentium 75 with 32MB, a 850MB hdd, and no CD-ROM.
Check out its site at
Please note some of these almost-"mandatory" BasicLinux3 (BL3) add-ons from the add-ons page :
zimage.p1 BL3 kernel optimized for old Pentium (pre-MMX)
ssh.tgz Secure shell (replacement for telnet)
sc.tgz Spreadsheet
beep.tgz Plays notes via the PC speaker
mc.tgz Midnight Commander (file manager)
sqlite.tgz Database manager (single-user SQL)
icewm.tgz Window manager (replacement for swm)
abiword.tgz AbiWord (word processor) **SVGA**
links2.tgz Links 2 (graphical browser) **SVGA**
sylpheed.tgz Graphical mail client
xfreecell.tgz Solitaire card game
lincity.tgz Simulated city (management game)
xdigger.tgz Classic puzzle-game
xrunner.tgz Platform game (similar to Lode Runner)
matanza.tgz Multi-player space battle (via network)
smbclien.tgz Client for accessing Windows network shares
sb-bl3.tgz Christof's package for soundcards.
mutt-bl3.tgz Christof's mutt package.
Another Zipslack-type distro that offered this LQ user much more than BL3 on some lower-end laptops without CD-ROMs, was AmigoLinux. AmigoLinux 2.0 runs off of a fat16/32 partition similar to zipslack, and can be fully installed to hard drive.
Very lean and mean!
Its website is
The download section is
The LQ Amigo Wiki is at
and the LQ Amigo forum is at
Good Luck!