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08-29-2015, 02:55 AM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
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yeah, i figured going back would be a PITA with packages never wanting to replace newer versions, though, i may just stick with LMDE2 for the easy install and "rolling release" model
08-29-2015, 05:35 AM
LQ Addict
Registered: Dec 2011
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Distribution: Debian Sid AMD64, Raspbian Wheezy, various VMs
Posts: 7,680
Originally Posted by ericson007
It has been a long time since I used debian but back then, it was easy to go stable unstable testing but it was a nightmare for me at least to revert back to stable. I would recommend to start with a clean install if you want to revert but going up the ladder is no problem.
The major issue i found is when reverting updates did not work as expected because versions were newer. At that time and still now, I am not expert enough to fix those types of issues flawlessly.
Indeed, one cannot go back once on the Testing or Unstable branch.
08-29-2015, 02:23 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
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correct me if im wrong, but looking at some of the debian pages it seems debian can be configured to be wither a point-release by using the code names of a specific release (like jessie, stretch, etc).. or become a rolling-release if you instead use "stable, testing, unstable" for your repositories.. is this true?.. if so then that makes debian incredibly configurable, able to get the type of system you want, how you want it
09-01-2015, 12:53 PM
Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by ericson007
Well if it is a gaming pc, i would recommend to stick with windows, maybe go back to windows 7 since it has a cc eal 4+ rating. Same as RHEL5 and 6. Ubuntu does not have those according to my knowledge.
Ubuntu is also heading the windows 8 way with the amazon integration within the app window
Has that rating been updated for Microsoft bringing W10 spying to W7 and W8?
09-01-2015, 01:58 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
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you know, computers and internet are great tools, but holy hell is it becoming annoying.. every website had ads, flash, java, and a bunch of other bullcrap that seems to require a quarter gig of ram just to load one page (my gaming desktop has 8, but still its a waste), constantly see scareware ads on many websites, cant run windows without everything you do being recorded, android and canonical following suit.. all the huge corporations and the federal governments worldwide are thoroughly ruining the internet.. and why shouldnt they? its a threat to their power, they want to OWN you and everything you do
anyway, enough of that rant, im learning archlinux all over again and remembering why i liked it so much before, primarily the AUR and yaourt giving me access to just about any application imaginable on linux, far surpassing ubuntus ppa, plus its completely community driven, no big corporation behind it and it lets be build my OS from the ground up, piece by piece... also, i COULD cop out and just install the full lxde or xfce suite and everything it comes with to do everything for me, but im doing things CLI style and through configuration files which is keeping my OS pretty frickin lightweight, lightning fast boot-up times and using almost no RAM (running fluxbox with the pcmanfm file manager but i may go to rox or something else)
im doing all this on my netbook first since my netbook is less important, i can experiment with it more and you know, i was thinking id just go LMDE2 on my desktop with something like LXDE or xfce, maybe even KDE4 but honestly, why would you? with fluxbox, configuring the slit how i want it, a file manager for desktop icons and a background, styles from box-look, gtk themes, icon sets i can make an incredibly lightweight fluxbox installation run faster than windows xp, and appear superiorly more "modern" than any windows OS, in fact, i think i found cleaner, better, more diverse themes on box-look than kde-look and at this point im beginning to fail to see a reason to install anything but a well configured window manager.. does anyone have a good reason as to why i would want a fully featured desktop at this point?
so im really leaning towards putting archlinux and fluxbox on my gaming PC too, but im also thinking maybe i should experiment a bit more with icewm and openbox first to decide which one i really like most
Last edited by jason41987; 09-01-2015 at 02:06 PM.
09-01-2015, 06:54 PM
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Japan
Distribution: RHEL9.4
Posts: 735
Originally Posted by newellrp1
Privacy concerns in windows 10 and those you said are in earlier versions are two different horses. Most of those things are stuff people kick a stink up for, but your chrome browser firefox etc has been doing all that much longer than microsoft. If people really care about all those things, why are iphones etc so popular? Is it not the same thing in the end of the day?
09-01-2015, 07:19 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
Original Poster
and people wonder why i use open source software like linux where i can build the operating system myself
so what sort of browsers would you recommend for security purposes?
Last edited by jason41987; 09-01-2015 at 08:08 PM.
09-01-2015, 08:22 PM
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Japan
Distribution: RHEL9.4
Posts: 735
My point is sort of integrated with what you stated about why you use linux. Let's not get this thread into a general discussion about privacy from what started as gaming. The same way you did the research to find the OS best for you, is the same way people must do research about the programmes they use. Everyone complains about windows privacy, but yet no one addresses the fact of how to solve the issues. Just rant. It is a bit like a person that only ever administer debian or rhel hop over to the other distro and complain the configuration files don't work. People should stop throwing toys out the cot and investigate settings and updates. Firefox you can turn off reporting, in chrome you can edit privacy settings too. Firefox and chrome I think are absolutely fine to use. Same in windows. You can actually turn off all the privacy things people complain about.
Now lets get back to getting your kickass game system online.
Just for kicks: elinks will get of all the ads and tracking and stuff browser side at least, but comes at the price of being text only.
Last edited by ericson007; 09-01-2015 at 08:24 PM.
09-01-2015, 08:38 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
Original Poster
well since i went through the archlinux install once with my laptop it should be fairly quick and easy to do the same with my desktop, the only problem is arch gives me so many options as to what to put on top of the base system, its kind of like being a fat kid in a candy story
for example, on one hand i just want to put fluxbox on there with roxfiler so i can squeeze as much performance as i can out of it, but on the other hand, i wouldnt mind something to show off a bit of eyecandy with a compositing full featured desktop environment.. ive never really been able to try gnome 3 for example on such a high performance system before and the only time i tried KDE4 was when it FIRST came out and it really sucked then but im sure its improved, thent heres the middle ground, LXDE/LXQT with a compositing manager like compiz.. would this be a good balance of visually appealing and performance?
09-01-2015, 09:22 PM
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Japan
Distribution: RHEL9.4
Posts: 735
I would personally go with lx series, but that is just because i think kde and gnome lost the plot and became just too much bloat etc. They try to look clean but tons of baggage under wraps.
I only ever liked kde on suse. They use to really dedicate their teams to make it nice. Now I don't think they put in all that effort anymore, or at least so I have read. Gnome on the other hand has never really been my favorite. I do use gnome a lot now because I do have one self support rhel system and it is the default gui.
Last edited by ericson007; 09-01-2015 at 09:29 PM.
09-01-2015, 09:33 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
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i actually have little opinion on xfce vs lxde vs cinnamon vs mate, ive used them all and they all seem pretty much the same to me
also, im installing arch as we speak, currently downloading and installing the base system, i'll install grub to SDB (my hot swappable hard drive via the top loading dock on my tower) and set my BIOS to boot that device first (if its there) so i can just plug in or unplug the HDD like a giant live installation
its actually going MUCH smoother than my netbook install, much quicker too since it automatically found and configured my wi-fi, my netbook i couldnt get wifi to work until post installation when i had to get stuff from AUR
09-02-2015, 04:43 AM
Registered: Dec 2009
Location: Germany
Distribution: Whatever fits the task best
Posts: 17,148
Originally Posted by jason41987
for example, on one hand i just want to put fluxbox on there with roxfiler so i can squeeze as much performance as i can out of it, but on the other hand, i wouldnt mind something to show off a bit of eyecandy with a compositing full featured desktop environment.. ive never really been able to try gnome 3 for example on such a high performance system before and the only time i tried KDE4 was when it FIRST came out and it really sucked then but im sure its improved, thent heres the middle ground, LXDE/LXQT with a compositing manager like compiz.. would this be a good balance of visually appealing and performance?
The nice thing is that you can mix like you see fit. For example, I use the i3 window manager with Compton for compositing, together with the KDE applications (KMail for Mail, Dolphin as file manager, ...). If you use a filesystem that allows snapshots, like BTRFS, it is easy to just try what you want to try and if you don't like it just restore from a snapshot to get back to the beginning.
09-02-2015, 10:49 AM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
Original Poster
i have the distro i want, i just need to find to desktop environment i want for it, i think im going to try out a bunch and then remove the ones i dont like later, and try my best effort of cleaning up all the other apps they add that i dont really need, like additional web browsers, text editors, terminals, etc
09-02-2015, 01:46 PM
LQ Addict
Registered: Dec 2011
Location: UK
Distribution: Debian Sid AMD64, Raspbian Wheezy, various VMs
Posts: 7,680
Originally Posted by jason41987
i have the distro i want, i just need to find to desktop environment i want for it, i think im going to try out a bunch and then remove the ones i dont like later, and try my best effort of cleaning up all the other apps they add that i dont really need, like additional web browsers, text editors, terminals, etc
Why remove the other DEs and software? You can edit your menus to get rid of things you don't want (if they appear in you'd DE of choice at all) and an install of all of them will likely use less then 30GB (my desktop has a / file system of 30GB and I have most of the DEs Debian privides installed and it still has over 10GB free).
The only thing I would recommend regarding other DEs installed, if you want peformance, is to ensure that it does not load the "compatibility layer" by default as that will, of course, lead to CPU and RAM usage.
09-02-2015, 02:33 PM
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 148
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i have yet another hard drive i can plug into the top of my desktop, its a 60gb 2.5" SATA drive... i could maybe use different versions of manjaro to check out the different desktops available in a pre-configured fully set up scenario first to see which route i want to go with my linux installation... im picky about my system being clean of stuff i dont use
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