Further to my released of Chinese language debs for Debian Live 11.1.0 and 11.0.0 on Oct 14, 2021, Debian Live version 11.2.0 has been released.
more information and download:
I have created 10 half-Chinese and 4 Chinese debs to provide Chinese support for the DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop.
(A) Half-Chinese debs:
64 bit:
1. fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
2. fcitx564_5.0.0-en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
3. ibus64_1.5.23--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
4. scim64_1.4.18--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
5. yong64_2.5.0--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
32 bit:
6. fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
7. fcitx532_5.0.0-en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
8. ibus32_1.5.23--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
9. scim32_1.4.18--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
10. yong32_2.5.0--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
(B) Chinese debs:
Simplified Chinese:
64 bit: DL64_11.2.0xfce-zhcn-121.5.1.deb
32 bit: DL32_11.2.0xfce-zhcn-121.5.1.deb
Traditional Chinese:
64 bit: DL64_11.2.0xfce-zhhk-121.5.1.deb
32 bit: DL32_11.2.0xfce-zhhk-121.5.1.deb
(C) the half-Chinese language debs under (A) will enable you to display and input Chinese in DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop) using 1 of the 5 input method platform:
a. fcitx - with 23 Chinese input methods
b. fcitx5 - with 32 Chinese input methods
c. ibus - with 15 Chinese input methods
d. scim - with 22 Chinese input methods
e. yong - with 23 Chinese input methods
(D) the name corresponding Chinese language debs under (B) will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn - 64 bit and 32 bit) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk - 64 bit and 32 bit) menus, icon labels, tooltips for DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop. Please note that all Chinese language deb rely on a suitable half-Chinese language deb already installed to the system (see section A above)to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts.
More details about these half-Chinese and Chinese debs can be found in a pdf file: "icake_debianlive_chinese_debs_user_guide" written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
These debs and user guide can be downloaded from the public sharing folders here: