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Old 12-30-2021, 08:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2021
Posts: 10

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DebianLive 11.2.0 Chinese language packages

Further to my released of Chinese language debs for Debian Live 11.1.0 and 11.0.0 on Oct 14, 2021, Debian Live version 11.2.0 has been released.

more information and download:

I have created 10 half-Chinese and 4 Chinese debs to provide Chinese support for the DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop.

(A) Half-Chinese debs:
64 bit:
1. fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
2. fcitx564_5.0.0-en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
3. ibus64_1.5.23--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
4. scim64_1.4.18--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb
5. yong64_2.5.0--en-zh-bionic-121.5.1.deb

32 bit:
6. fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
7. fcitx532_5.0.0-en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
8. ibus32_1.5.23--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
9. scim32_1.4.18--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb
10. yong32_2.5.0--en-zh-bionic-120.5.1.deb

(B) Chinese debs:
Simplified Chinese:
64 bit: DL64_11.2.0xfce-zhcn-121.5.1.deb
32 bit: DL32_11.2.0xfce-zhcn-121.5.1.deb

Traditional Chinese:
64 bit: DL64_11.2.0xfce-zhhk-121.5.1.deb
32 bit: DL32_11.2.0xfce-zhhk-121.5.1.deb

(C) the half-Chinese language debs under (A) will enable you to display and input Chinese in DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop) using 1 of the 5 input method platform:

a. fcitx - with 23 Chinese input methods
b. fcitx5 - with 32 Chinese input methods
c. ibus - with 15 Chinese input methods
d. scim - with 22 Chinese input methods
e. yong - with 23 Chinese input methods

(D) the name corresponding Chinese language debs under (B) will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn - 64 bit and 32 bit) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk - 64 bit and 32 bit) menus, icon labels, tooltips for DebianLive system version 11.2.0, English language with the Xfce desktop. Please note that all Chinese language deb rely on a suitable half-Chinese language deb already installed to the system (see section A above)to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts.

More details about these half-Chinese and Chinese debs can be found in a pdf file: "icake_debianlive_chinese_debs_user_guide" written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

These debs and user guide can be downloaded from the public sharing folders here:


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