i have slackware 10.
and a parrallel port printer (HP deskJet 710c)
yes, i know it is a win-printer.
but it works under redhat/fedora.
i diwnloaded the cups driver for it, and installed it to the correct place.
shutdown the cups service
modprobe parport
modprobe parport_pc
modprobe lp
then demsg shows
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [PCSPP,TRISTATE]
parport0: faking semi-colon
parport0: Printer, HEWLETT-PACKARD DESKJET 710C
lp0: using parport0 (polling).
i point my web browser at
i go through the add a printer wizzard, selecting my printer model, and selecting the correct port /dev/lp0 (hp 710c deskjet)
i hit print a test page.... and the test pag aprears in the completed jobs section,, but it printed nothing.
i load kwrite, type hello world, and hit print, selecting my cups printer.
nothing happens, then i get an error... "you may need to run (dorry, forgot) " to create a que.
so i run the command.. not all attmepts to print, just dissaper. no error !
whats going on ?
has any1 else managed to get cups working in slackware ?