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Old 08-05-2010, 09:53 PM   #1
LQ Guru
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Question Firefox: logged into Hushmail + www goes down + select hushmail tab = Firefox frozen

Slackware64 -current
Firefox 3.6.8
Wireless broadband (1.5MBit) internet

Anyone else notice this?

I usually have a load of tabs open and normally everything's fine. But our internet is sketchy (service call appointment still pending) and has regular interruptions in service for reasons unknown to me.

I use Hushmail dot com for email. If I don't have any hushmail on any tabs, this problem doesn't happen. But most of the time, I have hushmail open on two tabs, logged in.

If the internet goes awol, I can still click around through my tabs and read those that are open, except for the hushmail tabs. If I click on one of them before I realize the internet's gone, the browser just hangs; the tab highlights, but that's the last sign of activity, sometimes for several minutes, until it either un-freezes eventually on its own and I click away to another tab, OR until the internet comes back up.

Anyone have a clue what I might be able to investigate, maybe with my about:config, that may have anything to do with this? It's like FF is trying to determine something or transmit something via the web before allowing me to switch tabs, and when it doesn't happen, it just hangs.

Hushmail is https all the time, if that helps. And, this has been apparent for some time, through a fair number of FF versions, but I'm not really sure if there was a time in the past when this problem did not occur, or if it started at a particular version of FF. It's just been happening for a long time now, so I figured I'd ask about it.



firefox, frozen

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