Thanks for your help! I started thinking maybe the directories were created at boot, never thought they might be created upon insertion.
Originally Posted by rupertwh
Does show your USB drive? If not, then something is broken -- either the flash drive itself or maybe some loose USB connector on the mainboard or a missing module/driver.
You hit the nail on the head...I think (will have to take it to a hardware shop to verify this).
It tried "fdisk -l" over and over again with the USB stick inserted...sometimes the "drive" shows up, sometimes only my hard drive partitions...this is true even if I don't remove the USB stick between attempts!
"/dev/disk/by-label" only exists when a stick is
both in a USB port
and recognized by fdisk. I also tried this with 2 different sticks to make sure it's not the stick.
I haven't used the USB much on my laptop at all, so I can't see the ports getting loose from my usage...maybe they are defective or just low quality. The 2 ports I tested are right next to each other (maybe on the same card), so I should remove my mouse and laptop pad to see if the problem exists with those ports. I never had a problem with any other computer not recognizing the sticks (not even the computers at school, which are heavily used)!
Also, I sometimes do/sometimes don't get this message from fdisk, so again, I think you are right about the defective ports:
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(960, 128, 32) logical=(952, 71, 32)