After up-grading Debian to Wheezy, I had two problems with Conky. One problem was Conky had lost transparency. A quick search of the board turned up a solution. It was a simple procedure of adding one line to conky.conf that is not in the Debian version. That line was not needed in Squeeze though, so the cause would appear to be a tweak in Wheezy, and is probably related to the second problem, which I cannot figure out.
My Conky calendar is a simple set-up. White with black shading, except the current day, which is highlighted in a different colour. After up-grading, the colour had disappeared and "_ _" now precedes the current day, pushing the days after it in its week to the right.
$color ${font nimbus mono L:size=12}${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal | sed s/"\(^\|[^0-9]\)$DJS"'\b'/'\1${color blue}'"$DJS"'$color'/}
Using a suggestion on the Debian forum to change "date +%_d" to "date +%-d" solved half the problem. The colour has returned to the highlighted day, but the "_ _" remains.
Using the calendar was a copy and paste job. I have no idea how to interpret the esoteric symbols, other than how to change the colours. So I have no idea what tiny syntax change is necessary to overcome whatever tweaking Debian developers did. Any other modifications I attempt result in loss of the display.
Additional background:
I installed Squeeze on a new 64-bit computer and up-graded to Wheezy a few days ago. I installed Conky after the up-grade, but the conky.conf worked perfectly on the old 32-bit machine.