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Old 04-14-2008, 08:14 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Northern Virginia
Distribution: RH Enterprise, Fedora
Posts: 96

Rep: Reputation: 17
Compiz - setting mouse focus...

I am running Fedora 8. Last week I downloaded the latest NVidia drivers for my graphics card and tried running Compiz. Seems to be working. But I have my KDE window manager set for 'Focus follows Mouse'. When Compiz starts, it appears that I need to click in my various terminal windows to set the focus. I can't figure out how (or where) to change that. Can someone point me in the right direction? Where do you set options for Compiz?? What other options are available to be set????


Old 04-17-2008, 02:52 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Arch, Debian sid, Kubuntu, Slackware 11
Posts: 324

Rep: Reputation: 30
Check out ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager), there are settings aplenty there I believe it is the most comprehensive settings editor for compiz besides editing its config files by hand. (In fact some have even seen the need to simplify it abit, and hence we now also have simple-ccsm)

As for your question: In ccsm go to General Option, then to the tab named "Focus & Raise Behaviour"; uncheck the option "Click To Focus".... voila
Old 08-23-2023, 11:55 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2023
Posts: 1

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Unhappy settings not engaging

Originally Posted by MasterOfTheWind View Post
Check out ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager), there are settings aplenty there I believe it is the most comprehensive settings editor for compiz besides editing its config files by hand. (In fact some have even seen the need to simplify it abit, and hence we now also have simple-ccsm)

As for your question: In ccsm go to General Option, then to the tab named "Focus & Raise Behaviour"; uncheck the option "Click To Focus".... voila
I tried to tweak the Compiz settings but they do nothing. Setting delay to 100ms doesn't change anything. Unchecking "Click to Focus" doesn't work. Still focuses on click. Are the settings supposed to act immediately? There's no "save" button. Do I need to restart the system for them to take effect?

I just really wanna get focus-with-mouse, that's all.


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