On my multi-boot machine, when I try to log into the
http://cisco.netacad.net site with Firefox I get this java script error with Ubuntu 6.10 and Fedora core 6 but no error with Freespire. it is quite mysterious.
This is the message from the Firefox error console:
Error: MM_latestPluginRevision[playerVersion] has no properties
Source File: http://cisco.netacad.net/cnams/public/Dispatcher.js
Line: 536
When i click on the error console link i shows me this:
function MM_FlashLatestPluginRevision(playerVersion)
var latestRevision;
var platform;
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1)
platform = "Windows";
else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Macintosh") != -1)
platform = "Macintosh";
else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("X11") != -1)
platform = "Unix";
latestRevision = MM_latestPluginRevision[playerVersion][platform];
return latestRevision;
I have logged an support ticket with cisco.
Does anyone know why this error is occurring with Ubuntu 6.10 and Fedora Core 6 but not Freespire?
What can I setting in Firefox could compare between the distros to discover what is causing this error?