Originally Posted by mjmwired
I know that this does not answer your question, but some of the "Really Slick Screensavers using GLX" are already prepackaged for Fedora:
# yum install rss-glx-xscreensaver rss-glx-kde
Hi and thanx for the reply!
Well, you're right. It doesn't really answer my question. I actually did check out xscreensaver on my own...and it turned out to be quite complicated as well - when it came to how actually setting it to run from system start up and stuff like that (I didn't mention - I'm newbie). Also I discovered that some of the better looking screensavers, GL-ones, are pretty badly optimised performance-wise, if you ask me. I don't have that powerful computer (Athlon 2000+ XP, 768MB RAM, Geforce 5900XT), but I figure, if I can run Half-Life2 in Windows on nearly maximum detail (DX 8.1 mode), I figure I shouldn't be having performance problems with a thiny screensaver that was written like in 1999 or something.
So I just think I'll be sticking to GNOME-glx screensavers (discovered that recently too...
) before somebody eventually figures out how my original problem can be solved...
Thanx one more time!