Originally posted by Charos
Yes, I like the look of Linspire very much, though I currently run Simply Mepis and will be dual booting with StartCom Linux Multimedia soon.
I would like to dual boot Linspire with Windows on an old IBM 300PL desktop - is this feasible?
I know some Linux dual boot scenarios have 'broken' the Windows part for a friend of mine who has tried Suse and Mepis.
I had a successful dual boot with Xandros but would rather have Linspire (I have the Linspire Live 5.0 CD - can I install that to the HDD or is it only a Live CD?)
The Live CD depending on how you obtained it is most likely only Live. The full OS does have the Live on it also so you can pre-determine if all your hardware will be recognized first. As for the other questions I am to new to it to answer all of them. I suggest you go to their forum, registration is free and ask Kendall or Mr. Gigabytes those same questions. Both are very knowlegeable. Its under the MyLinspire tab and on the right there will be a option for forums, go to General section and ask away. They also just dropped the price of the CNR down. You give up a few features but the majority of it is stuff most users will not need.